Several objectives have been identified as the program's key emphasis. They are as follows, in order of priority:

  1. Teach students how to understand and speak Chinese.
  2. Teach students practical skills e.g. filling out travel and country entry forms, reading road signs, simple social greetings, asking questions, etc., in Chinese.
  3. Teach students to read and write Chinese.
  4. Expose students to Chinese culture.
  5. Create a sense of community among Chinese people and educate parents in leading their children about interplay between Chinese and American cultures.


  • Consistent participation of both children and parents is very important. Once a child is signed up for the program, maximum effort for attendance is expected.

  • All participating parents share in the preparation, associated costs, and children's safety issues.
  • Children will be grouped by their Chinese proficiency considering age, if possible.
  • Teaching content: Sessions will consist of Chinese pronunciation (i.e. Zhu-In-Fu-Hau) as a center and introduce related Chinese traditional characters, objects, holidays, traditions and cultures.
  • Class: Each class should have at least 5 students with an available teacher. Classes/students are grouped as follows:
  • Children's name: Each family should provide their child's Chinese name. This name will be used throughout the program.
  • As the program progresses, some discussions are planned to welcome suggestions for improvement.

  • Time: 3 hours on Sundays, 9 to 12 noon
  • Location: College of Business 3F

Shinping "Champagne" Chyi, schyi@utep.edu (915)585-7052